Sarah Grace's First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2001: We, of course, were giving thanks for Sarah. She was learning that yes, there is a holiday devoted to her favorite pastime, namely eating.

First, there was some more dressup...

We made Indian outfits
in daycare...
The princess outside her tepee... And explaining it all to Mama

We do seem to like the outfit... even if we're not quite sure... ...what this is all about.

And of course, there's Thanksgiving Dinner:

At a friend's Thansgiving dinner, we meet the turkey...  Say, this holiday is a good idea....

And then, of course, there's meeting celebrity turkeys:

Later on Thanksgiving weekend, we took Sarah to Frying Pan Farm Park, a Fairfax County park with animals. As it turned out, the Presidentially pardoned Turkey had arrived there just the day before. Actually, there are two Turkeys, one as a backup (though not kept in an undisclosed location), though only one of them appears on TV to be pardoned by the President. We don't know which is the main turkey and which is the vice turkey, as they looked alike.

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